Kristy Parish


Hello Beautiful. If you are here to read a lil bit more about me, it means you are potentially considering working with me, I am so honoured and welcome you wholeheartedly
My name is Kristy and I am a qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner, alternative Fertility Specialist, Ayurvedic pregnancy-birth and postpartum Doula,
Lightworker and .. Vedic Mama.
I own and operate my own Ayurvedic women's clinic - Hindi Belle Holistic, based out of Stirling in Perth, Western Australia. I run a generalised Ayurvedic Clinical Practice 2 days per month, with the remainder (and majority) of my work and time being spent supporting fertility patients and, being Doula to Pregnant, Birthing and Postnatal Mamas.
My path with Ayurveda has been so wide and so varied, however the undeniable undercurrent is, and always has been, supporting women in their sacred birth space. It is where my own journey began and where all of my own experience has flowed so abundantly from.
I discovered Ayurvedic Medicine during a really challenging time of secondary infertility. I had two big kids and was trying desperately for a third child for 6 years. The fertility struggle was so hard and so heavy and I tried just about everything to get pregnant. I discovered Ayurveda through this journey and commenced my studies in 2017. The beautiful healing path that ensued was metamorphic. Coming back to ancient scientific wisdom, uncovering knowledge and empowerment through Ayurvedic principles, my spirit was able to to heal. I then followed a beautiful path of conscious conception, Ayurvedic Pregnancy and Sacred postpartum window. My baby was waiting for my soul to un-learn and remember our true way of living.
The Conscious Conception journey for us was such a transformative process. Once finding Ayurveda and following this path religiously, it took only 6 months to fall pregnant..(after 6 years!). Understanding my dosha was critical in balancing my body first, and where my infertility samprapti stemmed from. I went through a series of detox protocols to shed layers and layers of accumulated BS - both in physical tissue and in subtle energetic body. I rediscovered trust, abundant energy and so much love - for myself. The metabolic health of my hubby and I was reset, we were so connected, so balanced and we were vibing so high, through ritual we called in the perfect soul, at exactly the right time. Divine, miraculous, conception.
I was then so lucky to experience the beauty of an Ayurvedic pregnancy. What a divine gift of deep nourishment, wholesome nutrition, herbal remedies and sadhana practices to enhance the strength and health of myself and my baby. I followed the principles of Garbhini Paricharya for nine months - a blissful treatment protocol recommended during pregnancy, to ensure the purest development of baby. I was always surrounded with pure light and so much love. It was magic.
In the lead up to my birth I prepared my body with 0leation therapy - to prepare ligaments and my body for birth. This allowed ease in delivery for my little Knox, arriving safely within a few hours. My sacred postpartum period (Sutika kala) I honoured a full 42 day (+) confinement, whereby my hubby was my Doula for 7 weeks. I had pre-planned all of my recipes and meals before baby arrived, and guided my hubby on how to 'doula' me during my postpartum window. He did such an amazing job - I am so proud of the effort and grace we both experienced, which allowed me to heal so gently.
I knew that this path was something I had been gifted to share with other women. I began working with clients in every aspect of conception, pregnancy, birth and postpartum care, while still operating my Ayurvedic Clinic 6 days per week. I have been able to help women conceive, nourish during pregnancy and prepare for birth, and taught women how to honour their body and their sacred space during postpartum healing.
More recently was gifted another beautiful facet of Ayurvedic wisdom, in sharing this knowledge with my very own daughter, who has just delivered her own precious daughter. To share these teachings in such depth with someone I cherish and hold so dear, has shone new light in this area - why are we not already sharing this with our own daughters? where has this language of love and healing been lost along the way? I cannot begin to fathom my own beautiful daughter going through this process of pregnancy, birth and postpartum window with no support or deep healing.
It is my divine mission - to share this knowledge with all women. To educate. To teach. To inspire and to illuminate the importance of preparing our sisters in Birth - to nourish you post birth, and to ensure you are whole to care for the new generation of starseeds propelling our future towards a golden age of truth.