To truly bring a starseed through - to conceive and nurture them in the womb space, we first need to grasp the depth, the importance of their energetic requirements

Anyone can call their baby a starseed.
But.. to truly bring a starseed through - to conceive and nurture them in the womb space, we first need to grasp the importance of their energetic requirements and, have a deep committed understanding of what these concepts actually mean.
Starseeds are highly advanced spiritual beings who incarnate to raise the vibrational frequency of the collective. So many of us are becoming more aware of their presence, however, perhaps not enough is being done whilst they are in the womb, to truly allow for their fullest potential. Our humanness most definitely limits these souls.
Ayurveda is a deeply spiritual science, designed with the aim of nurturing spirit whilst in physical form. An amazing gift from the divine, to propel our advancement toward the age of truth.
I have outlined some key concepts below in which Ayurveda can ensure our Starseeds start with their full potential and energetic needs met, even before they incarnate and whilst they are nurtured in the womb.
Firstly, and most importantly, Mama’s need to keep our channels clear. Both our physical and energetic channels, to allow the true potential of these babies to flow through and develop the deep intuitive power needed, right from their very beginnings.
CLEAR CHANNELS must begin with balanced doshas. An imbalance to any dosha, will accumulate ama (or toxins), which obstruct srotas/channels and nadis in the body. Eating correct doshic foods, observing doshic dinacharya (daily rituals), and maintaining a peaceful, balanced mind is critical in maintaining doshic balance.
During pregnancy, we can only pacify doshic imbalance, never detox excess doshas.
RECOGNIZE and OMIT AMA. Ama is any toxin – environmental or emotional – that results in undigested metabolic waste. It is an overarching term for all sticky, slimy, aggravating, toxic substance stored in the body. Ama accumulates from undigested or poorly broken-down food, imbalanced or impaired agni, poor food choices, improper food combinations, incorrect eating routines and unhealthy habits/lifestyle choices, including any imbalance to our mental wellbeing.
STRONG HEALTHY AGNI. An optimal functioning agni (metabolic fire), is required to ensure ama does not accumulate in the body or the mind. Tips to enkindle and stoke agni include; tongue scraping on waking, hot lemon water first thing in the mornings BEFORE meals or drinks, consuming hot water throughout the day, eating 3 meals at regular meal times, avoiding large snacks in-between meals, incorporating spices in your cooking like cumin, ginger, black pepper, cardamom and coriander seed, care for and nourish your intestinal microbiome, mindful eating and walking after eating. Also avoid overeating, don’t skip meals, avoid fried/oily/processed foods, veto alcohol and caffeine, sleep well, do not oversleep and keep your mind calm.
LIVE IN SATTVA. Sattva is the qualities of balance, serene peace and purity. A focus on holistic doshic balance needs to precede a focus on sattvic living, as pure sattvic living must be an extension of balanced doshas. Balance is required so as not to create any imbalance in achieving the qualities Sattva, which has predominant gunas/properties of lightness or ungroundedness. Through balance, we continue to cultivate sattva via purity in our nourishment – like consuming high-vibrational, organic, wholefoods. Fresh, seasonal fruit and veg, nuts and wholegrains. We must omit all forms of chemically treated ANYTHING. Absolutely no fluoride - filtered water, both for drinking and showering, as fluoride calcifies the pineal gland, which has such an important role for spiritual experiences. It is considered the seat of the soul. All-natural bathroom and laundry products are a must.
Physical activity – such as gentle yoga or walking in nature. Try to get heaps of nature time. Create balance and joy in daily your daily life, practice spiritual sadhana – listening to mantras, meditation and connection with your baby as often as you can, and always observe an abundance of daily gratitude. This is the most beautiful time in your life.
Be so mindful and so protective of your intake of everything. Your conversations, your social media consumption, avoiding the news. Every emotion you experience should hold the purest qualities of sattva.
SADHANA OF LOVE. The daily practices and rituals that enhance the mental and physical development during your bloom, and the positive effect on the development of your baby. Sadhana transforms pregnancy into a divine experience. It is an extension of your sattvic living. Daily rituals you perform may include meditation practice which enhances your crystal-clear intuition, listening to heart mantras or soul star mantras to connect with spirit, it may be the daily act of self-abhyanga with herbalised warm oils to nourish and anoint your growing body, daily sound bath and yoga asanas to increase prana, anything that raises your energetic frequency to a heightened and blissful state.
With this balance, purity and harmony experienced both in mind and body, our channels and connection to our babe will be so nourished and enhanced, allowing their soul the purest start to their journey.
with love,
Kristy x